Zandvoort Summer Trophy


In het weekend van 13 en 14 juli komt het NK HARC 82-90 in actie op het circuit van Zandvoort. De Zandvoort Summer Trophy biedt een bomvol programma met spectaculaire raceklassen, onder andere de Eurocup 3, GB-3, Britse F4, Prototype Cup, Tourenwagen Legenden, Sports 2000 en YTCC. In dit driedaagse festijn komen we aan bod op zaterdag en zondag. De kwalificatie is zaterdag aan het eind van de middag, om 17:45. De races - twee keer 25 minuten - worden verreden op zondag om 12:15 en om 17:50. Meer informatie over de Zandvoort Summer Trophy is te vinden op de website:

82-90 Sponsoring

Sponsors NK HARC 82-90

During the events in which the NK HARC 82-90 participates at home and abroad, the participants and sponsors form a close-knit social club and there is of course the opportunity to make contacts on a business level, but also during the races themselves there is respect for each other at the top. Sponsors of the NK HARC 82-90 can have a great time with their guests during the races with a look at the pit lane, view the racing cars up close or enjoy a drink on the paddock. As a sponsor of the NK HARC 82-90, you get access to all races organized by the HARC, but also to other events in which the NK HARC 82-90 participates. And of course you will be invited as a special guest to the annual championship awards ceremony and the presentation of the new season. If you are interested and would like to attend an event to see what we can do for the NK HARC 82-90 together with your company, please contact us by email or call +31 61014 6016.